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5 Wedding Trends to Make Your Own Wedding trends come and go, but your love is forever. The top ideas in the wedding industry may point you down the right path for planning a fun day, but beware of straying too far from your own style and not feeling that the day reflects who […]
…Turning Tables – Wedding seating plan tips For some couples formulating a wedding seating plan can be akin to a UN peacekeeping mission as they traverse family politics and all the aggravations that go with them. Granted you’ll have tables that pretty much sort themselves but there will always be a few thorny seatings: Relatives…
Wedding Mass Booklet basics Despite coming down the list of priorities in a wedding, mass booklets (or ceremony booklets for those who don’t go the religious route) are important nonetheless. Not only do they give the bride and groom the opportunity to introduce readers and the wedding party, but they can give guests a flavour…
As your wedding preparations get into full swing, wedding invitations should be regarded as one of the most significant components of the big day. Not only do wedding invitations inform your guests that they are invited, but they also provide vital information about the event and can set the tone for the occasion. For wedding…
DC Creative are pleased to announce the launch of our new website. The new, clean look website will allow customers to shop online as well as browse all our latest products. It features a cool new design with easier access and control. The website revamp was carried out by Ciaran at Best Web Design. Best…